Nancy Goldberg Hilton’s Story

I experienced a Miracle from God. Below is a short synopsis of my journey from Judaism to Jesus Christ.

Or watch my testimony on YouTube:

I grew up without Jesus Christ in my life or the knowledge of a true and living God. As an adult, I substituted the things of this world instead.

I had the trappings of success by the world’s standards, but inside I was empty and afraid. I would say to myself, “Look at me I have all this stuff, I must be happy.” But I was not.

I built walls of safety around myself to keep me from feeling and staying focused on my work. Emptiness grew inside me. I pictured myself with a large hole in the middle, like a cut-out paper doll with the inside missing. I was a shell dressed for business and working at a frantic pace. Why did I do all this work? To make money? Of course! Money is necessary, but is it the answer to everything? Shouldn’t I be happy? Can’t money buy anything in this world?

Why did I feel like a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces did not fit? It was as if a giant, dark hand had taken the most precious gifts of my life and kept them hidden from view. I could not see. I was spiritually blind.

Quest for Answers
What should I do? How could I find answers when I did not know where to look? I would ask myself, what more is there to life? Is this all there is? Many people try to fill up the emptiness with drugs, alcohol, etc. which are very harmful. I did not do any of those things, instead, I used my extra time to do watercolor paintings. I found that my artwork helped me. I felt at peace. I also started seeking answers that were spiritual instead of temporal.

My search culminated in a miraculous spiritual experience when I was awakened to the knowledge of a true and living God and His son Jesus Christ. I was filled with a spirit of joy that words cannot describe. Miracles had not ceased. The Lord, Jesus Christ, gave me a new life. He is truly my Savior.

I did not see Him, but His spirit reached out to me in love and awakened in me a forgotten memory of who He was.

I want you to feel His spirit, and His love, just like I do.

This is my motivation for giving away free digital prints of my watercolor paintings of Jesus Christ and His creations.

Need for Faith in God
There comes a time in our lives when we need God. How much richer our lives can become when we extend our knowledge beyond this world and take the leap of faith forward into the Kingdom of God. How much greater is our hope in our future if we know that we are actually spirit children of God, his sons, and daughters. Why only strive for the things of the world when there is a much greater hope and love that will come to us through our Savior, Jesus Christ, that will last forever?

Nancy Hilton has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Art from the University of Texas, Austin. She has painted since she was a child.

Books by Nancy Goldberg Hilton